Monday, June 30, 2008

Things... that are hard, doing them.

People are like water, we flow, we boil over, we freeze up. All to often we find ourselves following the path of least resistance and that leads us to on place, a low spot. If we ever hope to combat our lazy nature we are going to have to do hard things. What happens to water that doesn't move? It stagnates, and nasty creatures start to grow in it.

First and foremost if you aren't saved, if you aren't trusting Jesus to pay your sin debt then you need to click the link to the right called: "Are you a good person? Take the test!" (Post questions to comments, I won't publish them)

Their are things in all of our lives that we know we should do but absolutely refuse to because their just too hard. For me thats making cold calls. I might rather get punched in the head that hold out a piece of paper and say "Did you get one of these?" Clearly Satan has a big black festering strong-hold somewhere in my heart. The fact is that my heart is Gods territory and if Satan is there its because I wanted him there, I allowed him a place. Ephesians 4:27 Neither give place to the devil.

I hate passing out tracts, but this week I'm going to give one out. Just one. After I do that and I know it doesn't hurt I might do another one but we'll see. Your mission, should you choose to accept, is to do the same. You can witness to a coworker or family or a stranger but what ever it is it hast to be hard, what ever the hardest thing is for you, you have until midnight on Saturday.
I've had about ten good opportunities today and blew them all (remember the part about water freezing?). It almost made me cry as I walked back up to my room with my one tract still in my pocket, but its only Monday.

We are not our own but bought with price.

"When I stand before the throne Dressed in beauty not my own; When I see Thee as Thou art, Love Thee with unsinning heart; Then, Lord, shall I fully know-- Not till then--how much I owe."

In totally not consequential news my WOD (workout of the day) today was killer.

Complete as many rounds in twenty minutes as you can of:
65 Pound Thruster, 10 reps Link here, Kill the music
10 Jumping Pull-ups

Results: 10 rounds +4 thrusters June 30, 2008

Last time I did only 10 rounds that was may 1st. Not much progress but I haven't been home much last week or so.

Also under non consequential news

Book of the Week:
I read a book called "Half Moon Investigations." Its about a 12 year old boy with a knack for solving mysteries. Though this book was juvenile fiction it held no punches and had a realistic yet energetic feel to it. The plot moves quickly and is full of delightful quirkiness, one liners and hilarious social commentary. The Caracters were as deep and gritty as any in this Genre. If you're looking for a quick read, and a few laughs that won't bog you down Go with half moon. 8 mandibles out of 10.

Movie of the Week: "Notorious"
Notorious is a 1946 film directed by Alfred Hitchcock. An espionage thriller starring Cary Grant and Ingrid Bergman. These Old movies are hard to review for two reasons. Firstly you have to put on you 1940's glasses to really appreciate them and secondly the people who show you old movies are so emotionally attached to them that anything you say will generate offense. The lead actors were very classy, quite the team together. The story was a little cardboard but one could rack that up to it being realistic and made in the 40's. Modern movies get people to used to "pulse pounding edge of your seat action", which is silly. Every scene was memorable in some way or another:

Sometimes less subtlety:

Alicia: This fog gets me.
That's your hair in your eyes.

Sometimes more:

Alex has the key to that.
Devlin: Then, get it from him.
Alecia: Get it? How?
Devlin: Don't you live near him?

This style of movies is to a degree an acquired taste but it comes quick then you're hooked. Plus when you learn these old movies and other people go "Who?" or "What movie?" You get to act all elitist and look at them like an unwashed miscreant.

Also, Good news. I came out of my shell a bit on Sunday and actually played volley ball competitively. I laughed, I cried, I owned some face. And most of the time I still regretted it after I touched the ball. After the game we went swimming and I am proud to say that now the Humphreys can swim, all of them that want to anyway. By swim I mean float in a direction with out a life jacket which DEFINITELY counts BTW. After ward Suzie (Momma Bear), who has appointed me life guard at the beach asked me how I taught them, to which I cleverly replied "I got them wet and told them to keep trying." The Pastor laughed so my day was made right there. Personally I think we should move fifth Sunday's to first Sundays (and maybe third also).


Friday, June 27, 2008

I Walked on the Moon!

This is a little ammo to combat the ever growing threat of the deadly... me monster... As his habitat encroaches on our own we need to be ever vigilant of...

Why do I always do this? Its funny just watch it.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Paul the Critic Chapter 2: "The Chase"

"I didn't need another firearm," Said Brice, slipping Paul's gun into his coat pocket. "But thanks anyway.""Oh, and you might want to hold on."

Brice quickly settled into the seat of Paul’s car. His eyes flashed up to the mirrors as the engine revved. Tires squealed as Brice dumped the clutch and the car took off down the street.
Chapter 2: "The Chase"

Paul sat up and buckled his seat belt, it made him feel naked not to wear it. After deciding not to jump out of the car as it bobbed and weaved through traffic and stop lights Paul’s brain reverted back to doing what it did best. What ever this Brice fellow really was Paul could tell by his tucked lip and his long coat (which looked pathetically like something straight out of the Maltese Falcon) that his guy was a classic Mr. wait… Dr. Ice Man. Paul could tell he’d put a lot of effort into the way people perceived him, probably had something to do with how young the man looked. “Paper thin” thought Paul he couldn’t me more than…

“We need to lose this guy and get to a safe house!” Brice interjected sharply as the car skidded around a corner. Paul hated it when people did this. Couldn’t they tell he was thinking?

“I mean really” Paul sneered to himself “What part of my face says: Bored out of my mind please entertain me?”

Paul threw a glance over his shoulder, fortunately it was midmorning on a Monday, like always when Paul got his hair cut, and the streets were fairly empty. Paul could see the car was chasing them. The man inside looked flustered that he was slowly but steadily losing ground on his quarry. “I’m not sure why I’m helping you but it looks like we are getting ahead of him enough that we could cut a corner and hide.”

“I was just thinking that…” retorted Brice in a very official voice
“Sure you were Ice Man” Paul mumbled
“What? No look, junk car lot. Your clunker with blend in perfectly” A Clever half cocked smile spread across Agent Brice’s bright face. “I’m so cunning” he thought.

Paul could have sworn he heard Brice say “Ka-chow” as he pulled the car into a space obscured by an over sized 4x4. Dogs were barking loudly so Paul couldn’t be sure but he does his best not to notice things that make him sick, so he didn’t.

“Just sit tight a second and don’t try to run off.” Whispered Brice. “As I was going to explain before you started shooting, my name is Agent Jared Brice, I work for the CIA, in a special division of internal affairs. I was out of the country last week working on a lead, I can’t say much but it had to do with biochemical weapons. I was trying to dig up some dirt on one of the Lubrizol corporations little brothers that are involved in drug research in the Amazon basin. I found some illegal studies they had conducted but nothing conclusive. When I heard Dr. Millano had been spotted I came back as soon as I could. Your sister was one of the people we knew was working on the project we were investigating.”

Suddenly a figure appeared outside the car “Get out of the car and put your hands up!” barked a nasal voice. Their conversation had been cut short by a scrawny Italian man who almost ran past them. Paul quickly looked at Agent Brice; an expectant grin grew over his critical face “here it comes he thought.”

“We’re gonna be fine I have a plan, just stay calm and follow my lead.” said Brice coolly as both men got out of the car.

“Oh! Agent Brice Delivers again! I can read this guy like a book, a short one” though Paul as he stood up out of the car. “At least Brice is more likely to be the first one they shoot. I guess he’s Ok

The junk yard dogs started barking with increased verve as more figures appeared within the area they guarded at night.

In a maneuver that looked like it had been recited daily in front of the mirror the short Italian man whipped out the leather case containing his badge and shouted “ F-B-I… mean NSA! Put your hands on da hood” Paul was really getting tired of having guns stuffed under his nose.

The man wore an over sized suit, grey with bold yellow pin striping. The sort of suit that demanded your attention when it walked into the room. The diagnosis was all too easy: “Short man syndrome. This’ll be great he’s gonna start throwing sassy one liners around pretty quick.” Paul gave a glance to Brice who was eye balling the scenario, his head bobbed and his lips curled as he played out various scenarios in his head.

“Bobby I’ve got ‘em both, Tell Mr. Richard I got ‘em” Said the short man quietly into his wrist. “We’re at da wreckin’ yard on South Franklin. Make sure you tell ‘im it was me ok Bobs?” The nasal voice was starting to grade on Paul. “Turn around and lay down on the hood, you guys packin’ heat or what?” A quick search left the party relieved of its firearms and short a few more options.

Brice was still thinking as the both lay against the hood of the car. The dogs barking grew louder. Paul knew the good thing about going against people with SMS was that they were over confident.

“You boys try any ting funny and ju’ll both be eatin’ concrete ya hear? We’re just gonna hang out till…”

“Paul” came a calm whisper “On my signal I need you to turn around and kick this guy square in the knee-cap as hard as you possibly can ok? Every thing’s cool, we’re gonna be f…”

“OK I GOT IT! Just go!” Snapped Paul under his breath.

“… an den I gave ‘im anodda one right in da temple and he was out cold, as cold as a duck pond in February, just like his big brotha!” Paul wasn’t sure how the story got there but he could only feel pity for such a lowly creature. “Nasal, its like he’s got a kazoo stuck some where in there. For his sake, I hope he’s just sick.” Paul did quick check for tapered bulges in his neck, nothing.

When Agent Brice moved Paul was deep in thought, like always, and he nearly jumped out of his skin, Brice was like a bow being loosed. His young body stretched out like a rubber band and launched a black, palm sized rock he must have snagged during Paul’s pat down with all the fervor of youth. I didn’t arc, it shot. Straight at the small box next to the gate containing the dogs, landing with a wallop and a plastic crunch.

Paul did his best to react when Brice did but he was distracted by such display of prowess “Perfect” though Paul, for a moment, who was instantly reminded of poster of Don Larsen he had as a boy… “Classic baseball wasn’t the opera but it was a tolerable form or excellence” he thought.

The short Italian man was caught completely off guard by the sudden burst of movement. He reacted by throwing his hands out and back pedaling violently, messing his perfectly arranged hair. This maneuver sent him nearly falling to the ground; fortunately Paul was there to help him finish the job.

The only reaction more wild than Mr. “SMS” was by the dogs that were so whipped up by the action in their yard that their frenzied barking became pathetic whimpers and desperate attempts to jump the gate.

“RUN!!!” shouted Brice.

Paul stood there for a moment as the gate began to slide open on its metal tracks. He didn’t have to anymore but Paul decided to kick the man any way. It was very satisfying though Paul couldn’t decide whether he liked kicking the irksome man or kicking his stupid suit better. Paul smiled widely as he sprinted down the road after Brice.

Eager wet noses eventually forced their way through the widening crack in the gate. As Paul and Brice dove into a cab the only thing they could hear was the hopeless cry of a small man being chewed just a little smaller.

“Number 57, West 124th Please” Said Brice to the cabby.

The joy of their escape was quickly muted when Paul remembered how much he hated unpredictability in his life. “It’s like I’m living in a shoot-em-up flick” he thought full of spite. Action movies were so despicable in his mind that he’d almost forgotten they existed. He did after all prefer not to think about things so intellectually nauseating.

As the cab rounded a corner further up the street Brice and Paul looked back to see a sleek black car with a blue dash light and tinted widows pull into the Junk yard.

“Way to loose my car” Paul jibed as his nerves started to settle.

“Way to shoot the back window out of it” replied Brice, sly as a fox.

Paul smiled to himself and sat low in his seat watching out the window as the city floated by. If his life was going to be an action movie at least it had an action star he thought. Suddenly the brakes slammed on in Paul’s mind, alarm bells were going off. His eyes narrowed: “Did I just smile at a joke? I don’t actually like this “Joe cool fool” do I? No, definitely not…” Paul was quiet the rest of the trip.

Eventually, the cab turned an unexpected direction and Paul sat up in his seat as he realized what kind of neighborhood they were headed into. “Where did you say we were going?” Paul asked hesitantly.

“A safe house, my partner is waiting there for us” Said Brice.

As they drove the city got dirtier and so did the people. By the time the cab stopped and Brice paid them Paul was on high alert for anything nasty, druggies, bums, stupid people… or kids. Paul hated kids. The best way to guarantee a bad review for sure was to have too many coughing dirty faced snot factories in your opera.

“Safe house” Paul kept saying to himself. “A house that is safe. Feeling safe in a house” Paul didn’t believe it and as usual he was right.

“I believe you’ve already met Agent Carlson, She’s been my eyes and ears in the states while I’ve been gone. Though she technically works under me I don’t know what I’d do with out her.”

Paul rose up the stairs reluctantly tucking his elbow so as to avoid touching anything filthy around him. Rusty nails, exposed plumbing, boarded over windows, all screamed “what are you doing here?!” to Paul. “Ugh… faint rap music.” the Coup de grace. “I’d feel safer using bed sheets made of dirty needles.” The disorder only served to remind him of the dog food hair cut he’d just gotten. At least that butcher got what she deserved. His only regret was that the Asian man had been a hundred times more polite that Paul would have been, he didn’t even call her out on being a “You know what I need is a new look” Her hair looked like it had been burned with mustard gas and then ironed but she had no idea. Macro class “roses don’t have thorns stupid.” She got off way too easy, this was a man’s hair for crying…”

“Hello Paul” interrupted a familiar voice.

“AGAIN WITH THE DISRUPTIONS, WHAT IS IT WITH YOU PEOPLE!” Paul’s mind roared as his shoulders shrugged in disgust.

As he focused on the source of the annoyance Paul was so shocked by what he saw that his brain went out of focus for a second. There was the chatterbox sitting quietly and in her right mind. She was wearing a simple black dress suit with a purple silk scarf. A surreal aura of focus and calculated concern was surrounding her. Paul was flabbergasted. “She’s not a chatterbox she’s clearly an “ovary ignorer!” How could I have misjudged her? Was this woman there the whole time, the elevator the coffee shop? I’m sure of it” his mind raced. The panic of not having someone rightly filed terrified him. “macroclass corporate ladder clumber, microclass was “boss woman. This is terrible” though Paul.

“Don’t look so surprised Paul, It’s what I do. I’d been following you for a few weeks before I made contact and had the elevator stalled. I had a lot of time to figure out what ‘personage’ you’d least suspect or respect.”

Time slowed down for Paul as it often does. He thought: “There is a certain comradery among athletes that exists which goes beyond competition. A respect for some one who beats you and the game you’ve given yourself over to completely. No… that chatter box was perfect he’d smelt fakes before, people fooling even them selves she was probably a go-mouth in her youth.” Her disguise wasn’t perfect but it was good, too good.

Ok” said Paul coming back to earth and very much aggravated “Now its time for some answers. What do you want with me, what does all this have to do with my sister and what makes you think she’s working on an illegal weapon!”

“Paul calm down, you sister came to us she’s innocent” Said Brice. “As I said before we’ve been tracking a corporation that deals in chemical and biological engineering.”

“Right, that clears it up. Real quick though, you think you could fill me in on the why I need to get shot at and blown up part?”

“Paul do you remember the day in the coffee shop, when you sister was there?” asked the creepifying chameleon.

“Of course I always go there after my opera.” It occurred to Paul that he would be in a lot less trouble right now if his routine wasn’t so predictable.

“Is you sister usually there?”


“Remember when she saw you were she brought your coffee over?”

“Yeah she set my coffee down and touched my collar, a little out of character for her but I didn’t think anything of it. That’s when she put the chip on me.”

“The computer chip was a distraction. We think she may have dumped the sample she stole into your coffee when she knew Richard’s team was getting close to her.”

“What are you saying?” Said Paul, dread spreading over his face.

“Your sister disease, Paul we think you’re infected” Said Brice

“That’s ridiculous; you think my sister tried to poison me? Get your story straight!” yelled Paul.

“We’d like to take some blood for analysis” Said Brice.

“Richard and his people didn’t realize that you sister actually had a prototype. Once she realized she was working on a weapon she tried to escape. They just didn’t know that took any thing more that some data, they told her that her work was ‘purely theoretical’.”

“Well If I’m contagious I should be quarantined right?”

“We don’t even know what it is; we think that because you drank it your body fluids are all that’s contagious.”

“How do you feel?” asked Brice standing up and looking suddenly concerned.

“Not good” said Paul realizing his intellectual nausea had increasingly physical for the last week.

“Paul we think Sarah is in danger, we last saw her with Mr. Richard and he seemed like he was keeping a close eye on her, STAY WITH US PAUL!” Carlson was standing over him.

Paul was getting woozy. His head was spinning, this wasn’t stress something wasn’t right. He felt pain in his gut and behind his eyes. As his head started to droop.

“Paul we need your help to find your sister. If they made an attempt on your life after letting you walk away, then Richard must have learned that your sister had more than just the stolen data.”
"Where... Where is She?" Asked Paul on the brink of unconsciousness.
"Intel says she's in a Lubrizol plant in the North-East Amazon Basin. Probably being forced to finish her work."
"I'm Coming" Slurred Paul weakly
"Not like this you're not" Said Brice

"I know what town.." Paul was breathing very slowly when his eyes closed and his mind faded to blackness.

Chapter 3: “Infected”

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Stargate "SG: fail-sauce"

Today I tried to watch some startgate. <== its a link to IMDB in case you don't know what SG is. I've got the second season of SG:1. As with most things I'll review on this site it came with the hearty recommendation of a friend, or a horde of them as the case may be. I've made it through half of the season and today I came to the realization that, I just don't care. It's time to be honest. The characters are cardboard cut out from other shows Let me make some comparison.

The fearless Leader with all the one liners and nicknames who secretly loves his crew unto death but would never admit it.

The wanna be fearless sassy woman creature leader

The muscle with all the tribal issues played by an ever expanding black man.

I just can't help the feeling that I've seen these characters before and that I liked them better in the other costumes. Its not that the series isn't well done and shows growth in its characters its just that it pushes no boundaries. It takes no chances. I feel like its making a big deal out of nothing new.

I realize I haven't watched much yet (and then the Humphrey's are going to say "it gets way better"). I agree cause for now thats the only way it can go.

As I've said in other post Character development is critical to me. Its a pretty sad thing to come to the point that I say. Wow this black dude with the gold tat is gonna turn into some bugs. Know what? I DON'T CARE HE TALKS LIKE A RETARD!!! When better than half of your cast has a very clear parallel in another series its time fire some writers.

I realize this is a big series and that its gone a dozen seasons and spawned another show for a reason so I'm not giving up on it yet. I have hope, hope in one man to redeem the whole shebang.

I love the idea of a little weakling science nerd who manages to find him self off the porch with the big dogs more than he'd probably prefer. Could be I identify with his sense of ill preparedness or it could be that I'm drawn to the first unique thing I've seen out of this mess.

One more thing:

Their is just no comparison.

A little slidey ring thing with some Greek letters just can't compare to a space ship sorry. This series looses just on principal.

So far "Campers" I'm gonna have to give it only 5.5 mandibles out of 10. I'd avoid this one until I can do a little more recon.

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Erroneous Blathering

This week I went to the lake to swim about 4 times with some combination of my pastors eight kids (age 25-11). I was charged by their very cautious mother to keep all her babies from being swallowed up by the briney deep as I was the only one who could swim. The ones who are wanting to learn to swim are all showing progress but are still very attached to their life jackets. Being such a fish myself makes me scratch my head at the idea of a person not knowing instinctively how to swim. Its like not knowing how to ride a bike or walk. Their efforts are very genuine but I have to hold back laughing a lot. To make things fair I agreed to learn how to skate this winter as all of them are hockey jocks and I walk on my hands better than I can skate so that should be interesting.

Crossfit today I just did a quick 50 burpees for time in 5:28 not a record but we were just about to eat so I didn't have time to do anything more interesting.

It's my hope that people other than just my church friends read my posts, thats why I bother explaining ages and stuff like that. Just so you know I want you to post comments, if this blog is just a place for me to blather like a fool to people who see me all the time then I'm really not doing them any favors.

Also got tagged to write the next chapter in the Paul the Critic saga which you can find rest of it at Tobi's blog (see links). Its coming slowly, I'm realizing that I don't have quite the knack for creative storytelling I thought I would, their's too many names to keep straight, oh well maybe I'll just kill them all off and start over with just paul.

Here are some pictures I stole from other people's blogs

Friday, June 20, 2008

Quick Catching Up

Yesterday my cousin Janice was in town with a friend of hers for the day we had a really good time.
She was born in California but has lived in Gustavis, AK for the last 2-3 years going to high school. She must be some kind of a super genius cause she's finishing a year and a half early and has all these school courting her favor.

I was really great to see her even for just a bit. She's sixteen now and the last time I saw her was the summer after I finished high school... SIX YEARS AGO?! ok well its not 30 yet so i'm not too worried. Any way she's like this whole beautiful woman now and she was just a kid last I could remember.

We had some pretty funny conversations just remembering old times. I guess I ripped the head off of one of her teady bears tugging on it too hard, my dad got all mad at me. I don't have any recollection and think it would be VERY out of character for 18 year old Aaron to do such a thing *wink* Also she said I looked different and then later elaborated that different meant "you were really fat last time I saw you" which if I was a woman I would have been all ten kinds of offended but I know a compliment when I hear one.

She'd been out in galena taking an ETT class for three weeks or so and was just passing through town headed back to southeast. At any rate when she got off the plane all she wanted to do was get some taco bell and go hit up the mall. I kinda shrugged and said ok. Yeah she wasn't real impressed with the Bently either. But she did buy some beads at Michael's I guess she make some good money beading earing and selling them. She talked about using porcupine quills in them, very classy I think. Seeing as how their wasn't much to do in this town we hit the road and drove out to the dredge, which she very politely thought was cool but wasn't as enthralled as other parties I've taken.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Big PR today

"Power" Elizabeth

Power Clean 95 lbs


21-15-9 reps, for time

8:00 June 19, 2008

10:26 May 6, 2008

The official Rx'd workout is 135 lb clean and ring dips, but power cleans are easier and so are regular dips (I also don't have access to rings) any way. I felt like I was blasting through the whole time and cut my PR down by quite a lot, as you can see above. Even still Greg A (see video link below) did it in just over half the time it took me.

This is a video of what I did done as Rx'd by a shirtless buff guy (hence I expect only men will be watching it)

This a video of the work out I did today, and yes I'd love it if you (guys) wanted to workout with me.
Quicktime Video
Windows Media Player

Also the music is RETARDED so turn your speakers off.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Pride and Prejudice erroneously reviewed

The story opens with the line "It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune, must be in want of a wife." And Its all down hill from there.

I kid, I kid.

Though the watching of Pride and Prejudice took three sittings and was wrought with rewinds, repeats, and explanations (I’m a bit deaf and a bit slow to learn characters) I found my final thoughts on the film pleasant ones. Truly there is a reason the classics are so classic.

In almost any film I watch I love to see one thing above all else and that is character development. I love people, I love to watch them and talk to them and learn every widget that makes them tick. Between this and my romantic streak I was quickly engrossed in the story of two people so excellent on their own and with so much in between them and yet so thoroughly meant for each other. Surely this is rich ground for character development, and so it was.

Fitzwilliam Darcy, the son of a rich family (with 10,000 a year!) was a man we were at first led to believe was very much married to his social status (hence pride), mainly that being higher than everyone else’s around him. His tendency to judge too quickly and too condescendingly solidified the audiences first impression on him. This attitude causes him to become the focus of distain by Elizabeth. As the story progresses Mr. Darcy’s true character is revealed much to the delight of every girl in the room. Mr. Darcy really was a man above men, a man you could lean on, didn’t care if he received credit for his honorable actions, he was modest, persistent, patient, and gentile. The only Problem is that he’s cast in such a romantic light that all the exemplary characteristics a male view would like to mimic/identify with are washed away in the bated breath of every swooning woman in the room. It just kinda leaves you (the male viewer) feeling like a man off at war who suddenly realized that his gun has a red plastic tip. As this all unfolded I thought of myself and the other men watching and thought: “Oh no, I hope this isn’t what we’re supposed to measure up to.”

Elizabeth Bennet was as well a singularly exemplary woman if not a bit quick to judge and a bit to sure of her judgments (hence prejudice). Modest, intelligent, quick witted, and confident. Truly enough woman to pull (lure;) Mr. Darcy out of the shell of his pride fully actualizing himself as a character. One thing that I particularly liked about this character is that she was truly a credit to her father. Allow me to preach a moment… -Ahem- Oh that the world had more daughters of whom their fathers said “I am a better man for knowing you. You enrich my life and I am proud to support and protect you as a bowman does his finest arrow.” Some young women are roses with very few thorns and some are thorn bushes that flower. Lizzy isn’t all doe eyed and simple minded which is good. But even better is that she doesn’t pretend to be a some delicate flower blooming in the sunshine of her own manufactured happiness. In my experience this lasts until something goes against her dominion, at which point this type of woman goes on the war path until everyone is firmly brow beaten into her way at which point she goes back to believing she’s not only a rose but that roses don’t have thorns. (That last part was kinda random but… you asked.)

I have got a little beef with the story. The biggest problem is that it was very thought provoking, which of itself is no trauma save the fact it leads one to converse the subject with are girls, which just won’t do because well… then you’re talking to a girl (which are yucky). In all seriousness I thought is was lame that none of the characters were Christians. Most of them should have been and would have been, I believe, had Jane Austen her self been saved. Such noble characteristics are rarely found in the worlds people.

Also I found it a little sickening that for five hours you had to endure the realities of what happens to people when they have NO work to do and just sit around collecting their five thousand a year from who knows what (the slave trade is my best guess) and getting all worked up over who their going to marry. YUCK! Get a life you bunch of losers. I like officers ordinarily but if I ever met one like the ones in this film I’d punch him for even looking at my sister with that “Goodie! We get to dance with the village girls” grin. “Go some place dirty" I'd say "and dodge bullets for a year or five, and after you’ve forgotten how dance and learned how to bleed come talk to me!” This movie would have been a lot different if the girls had one brother worth his salt. Of course if Mr. Bennet had an heir we wouldn’t have ever meet the second greatest source of amusement in the whole novel: Mr. Collins! That guy was such a greasy little slime ball that he could probably slide across the floor flat on his belly given a good enough push. As nasty as he was I found no end of entertainment at his every expression.

The only one who out did Collins was Mrs. Bennet whose cries of “OH MR. BENNET!!!” haunt my every thought of living with a woman more than ten years. The fact is though that her plight really wasn’t her fault as the odds were stacked against her from the begining. Between 1. being an airhead to begin with (“I knew Mr. Wickham was no good” “Aye sister so did I, and warned the girls”), 2. having nothing to do with her self (not that anyone did as they were so wealthy from the booming african slave trade), and 3. having an abundance of children (especially girl children). By the time that “the spring had dried up”, if you will, the deal was sealed. Mrs. Bennet was diagnosable/certifiable/nuttier than squirrel droppings insane. Really the blame lies at the feet of Mr. Bennet who should have recognized the signs early and in desperation fired all the help so at least she’d have some dishes to do. Anything in her life besides the fate of her “tragically” unwed daughters would a great boon to her nerves. Let this story be a lesson to you young men. Take these three signs and symptoms down and remember that only with diligence and vigilance (or utter abstinence) can this tragedy be avoided in your life.

En précis I enjoyed the movie quite a bit I’d give it eight mandibles out of ten. If you’re a guy I wouldn’t try to watch it alone or with out mixed company and If you’re a girl you’ve already seen it, all twelve versions and are offended at something I’ve said.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Lazy Tuesday

Five rounds for time of:
65 pound Shoulder Press, 21 reps
21 Back extensions


pretty sad performance today. Not a big lung burner, the SP was heavy enough slow me down significantly. Oh well. I got a really cool new tee shirt today and I think I'm gonna spend some time out on the lake today so things are looking up.

The Ukulele As God Intended

This song blew me away when I first heard it. Its up there with Tobi's compositions. It may not change your life but It should change how you view the ukulele.

A little distraction

I know I promised something intelligent and I've finished P&P but intelligence takes time. So until then I'll crack open the erroneous photo vault.

Here is the cake topper I told some of you about at this latest wedding. Too bad I'm not a fireman any more or it'd be this one or bust.

This one is a really interesting break down of how our tax money was spent in 2004. You should open in in another window so you can read it all.

This is a picture of My beautiful sister Noora shortly after having her first baby. New mother are very precious. ( especially when they produce nieces)

Sunday, June 15, 2008

The Last Mr. Darcy

This handsome devil is called Fitzwilliam Darcy, AKA Collin Firth. He's the male lead in the original Pride and Prejudice. Any way it became apearant that I was lacking in my cultural edification when it came to the "upper crust" of chick flicks.

So I agreed to watch which ever one my tutors (That would be the Humphrey women) thought best. We've watched it for about 2 hours twice already and still have an hour to go. (Yes a 5 hour chick flick). I plan on finishing it tomorrow and the n reviewing it officially some time this week... maybe. The sad truth is that I'm a huge nerd and miss creative/critical writing assignments from English classes so I've decided to assign my self one here.

I'm also ready a book called Half Moon Investigations as well as watching Stargate SG:1 so more intelligent though is in the works.

And I know how SOME people love crossfit times so their will be a plethora of those available for your perusing as well. I may even eventually get some video of my (and Noah's) endeavors up so uh... seriously... brace yourselves.

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Happy Friday

Yesterday after work Noah invited some people over to the man castle. His roommate is a retired single air force chief who used to work on f-16's. Now he works on the slope 2 weeks on and 2 off so he invited Noah to stay with him. The house is a beautiful 2 story log home. Really open, on a nice quiet lot.

Anyway Noah and I crossfited yesterday

He did

“Call to Prayer” (we call it that cause you always end up bent over like an Arab praying)
Ten rounds of:
10 dumbbell hang squat cleans 35lbs
10 chest slapping pushups

He did it in 20:50

My PR for this one is 22:24 with regular push ups.

It was kinda funny 5 rounds in at the half mark he goes “I don’t think I’m gonna finish” but he did.

I did
185 lb Deadlift
95 lb Push Press
Took me 9:50

My previous PR was

(155/95) 8:19 on May 17, 2008 but I bumped the DL up 30 lbs cause I did them all last time with out stopping.

In other news when I left for work Friday morning I saw a brochure for motorcycles on Super Dave's bed. I know he's getting tired of not having a rig after his died on the way to anchorage.

I have no idea what's happening in this picture but Dave getting a bike reminded me of it.

Helmet off, then drink milk shake.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Howling baby dog

I couldn't help thinking of the younger Humphreys when I saw this video, she looks just like Jane did except the color

The Uh... 3rd or 12th love of my life

My navy seal friend got me into crossfitting about a year ago, its really fun very effective. its kinda become my "sport." My Army buddy Erik and I compete/train with each other during the school year.

I'm gonna be posting some of my results and times a stuff just cause I'm that into it.

This post is really long I don't expect any one to read it or care I'm mostly putting it up here so LT can see it and so I"ve got a copy of my times save don the web, forgive plz.

today I did for time:
500 m row
20”box jumps
1 pood swings
17:38 on June 12, 2008

Some of my other recent PR's (personal records) are

For time:
135 lb Thruster, 10 reps
50 Double-unders
135 lb Thruster, 8 reps
40 Double-unders
135 lb Thruster, 6 reps
30 Double-unders
135 lb Thruster, 4 reps
20 Double-unders
135 lb Thruster, 2 reps
10 Double-unders

(did 95 lbs thrusters and 20” box jumps) 13:30ish

For time:
Row 1000 meters
25 Burpees
Row 750 meters
50 Burpees
Row 500 meters
75 Burpees

43:48 on May 20, 2008

Complete as many rounds in 20 minutes as you can of:
95 pound Clean and Jerk, 15 reps
Run 400 meters

3 rounds 1 rep on May 19, 2008

3 rounds 11 reps on June 8, 2008 (not sure of the 400m)

Mile Run times
1/24/08: 9:22
1/25/08: 8:57
2/5/08: 8:53
2/11/08 8:32
3/06/08 7:41
5/28/08 7:17

Other favorites of mine
Tabata “Lady cop”
Complete 24 intervals of 20 seconds of work followed by ten seconds of rest where
8 1st Box jumps 20”(7stack)
8 2nd 35lb swings
8 3rd push ups
Starting with a 400M sprint given two minutes to do, at the 8th min 3 min to do another 400M sprint work resumes at the 11th minute.
April 15, 2008: 330

The crossfit coaches gave some of the workouts names, some are womens names (like on a boat) and some are named after soldiers who've died overseas. They're all considered bench marks.


  • Clean 135(95) lbs
  • Ring Dips

21-15-9 reps, for time

10:26 May 6, 2008 w/ power cleans


  • Wall-ball 150 shots

For time

9:28 on May 17, 2008 (2nd of the day)


In memory of Navy Lieutenant Michael Murphy, 29, of Patchogue, N.Y., who was killed in Afghanistan June 28th, 2005.
This workout was one of Mike's favorites and he'd named it 'Body Armor.' From here on it will be referred to as 'Murph' in honor of the focused warrior and great American who wanted nothing more in life than to serve this great country and the beautiful people who make it what it is.

First posted 18 August 2005

  • 1 mile Run
  • 100 Pull-ups
  • 200 Push-ups
  • 300 Squats
  • 1 mile Run

For time.
Partition the pull-ups, push-ups, and squats as needed. Start and finish with a mile run. If you've got a twenty pound vest or body armor, wear it.

May 3, 2008 1:04:23

“I love a Rainy night”

These are my current max lifts
CROSSFIT TOTAL (squat DL and SP added up my goal is 1K): 535
Back squat 1:195, 3:165, 5: 155
Shoulder press 1:105
Deadlift 1:235, 2:230, 3:225
Overhead squat 3: 110

I realize that nothing here is too impressive but I really have a good time with it so you can just ignore these posts if you want

For time:

Row 2K
50 Wall-ball shots, 20 pound ball
Row 1K
35 Wall-ball shots, 20 pound ball
Row 500 meters
20 Wall-ball shots, 20 pound ball
23:57 on March 31, 2008

“Call to Prayer”
Ten rounds of:
10 dumbbell hang squat cleans 45lbs or 10 DB HSC 40lbs
10 pushups or 10 chest slapping pushups
35lbs DB and regular PU’s 24:38 on April 8, 2008
22:24 on June 6, 2008

For time:
Sprint 400 meters
60 Wall-ball shots, 20 pound ball
30 Handstand push-ups
Sprint 400 meters
40 Wall-ball shots, 20 pound ball
20 Handstand push-ups
Sprint 400 meters
30 Wall-ball shots, 20 pound ball
15 Handstand push-ups
Sprint 400 meters
30:15 on March 15, 2008

Seven Rounds for Time:
95 pound Sumo deadlift high-pull, 15 reps
95 pound Thruster, 15 reps
65lbs February 23, 2008: 19:34
75lbs April 14, 2008: 35:20

Our Nicole
(Deadlift/Push Press)
(155/95) 8:19 on May 17, 2008


Firing it back up

I'll admit that my exodus from the blogging world is one that I look back on from time to time with regret. Though I can't quantify why (or at least don't like any of the reasons I come up with) I've decided give it another go.

I can't kick the feeling that your first post is like a charter letter or a declaration of independence (or intent as the case is here). This blog IS unfortunately going to be about me, and my interests which though selfish is no more so that saying my closet is all about me. It is after all where I keep MY clothes, my blog will be where I keep my thoughts, (on the interweb).

I was at work today standing over a sewage filled trench and I was thinking how refreshing Tobi's blog is and how I find many blogs to be little more than diaries about how a persons day went. Diaries are boring, I don't know why people hide them and keep locks on them. The few times I found some ones diary as a kid WOW what a waste time that was. Though I don't really care whether anyone reads it or not I shutter at the thought of causing "more bore" on the internet.

Ok so specifics, firstly.... know what? forget the specifics. If i feel like talking about it its gonna get talked about.

Oh haha, this is rich, its gonna get talked about: Their are these two guys I work with they are both about 2-3 years older that me (one of them is the guy who guessed I was 17 about a week ago) any way we were digging up a bad sewer line to replace it today so we had to put road signs up to close the street. So these guys got to the job site early (I rode in later with the boss). While they were waiting they took electrical tape and spelled out "+ AARON" below the words MEN WORKING on the big orange sign.

Oh man it was pretty rich, unfortunately Joel (the boss man, also a friend of mine) wouldn't let them put it up on the road like that.

Later that day when I was the guy shoveling and the other two where watching (yeah we like to run things like a state job, by the book;) Jake says to Steve "you gonna make him do all the work?" and I looked up and said "Well I if i can't be a Man I may as well be 'WORKING'."

Ok one last thing, when you come to this blog remember that it was a choice on your part to do so... that means what ever weird thing i say don't forget YOU ASKED.