Sunday, June 22, 2008

Erroneous Blathering

This week I went to the lake to swim about 4 times with some combination of my pastors eight kids (age 25-11). I was charged by their very cautious mother to keep all her babies from being swallowed up by the briney deep as I was the only one who could swim. The ones who are wanting to learn to swim are all showing progress but are still very attached to their life jackets. Being such a fish myself makes me scratch my head at the idea of a person not knowing instinctively how to swim. Its like not knowing how to ride a bike or walk. Their efforts are very genuine but I have to hold back laughing a lot. To make things fair I agreed to learn how to skate this winter as all of them are hockey jocks and I walk on my hands better than I can skate so that should be interesting.

Crossfit today I just did a quick 50 burpees for time in 5:28 not a record but we were just about to eat so I didn't have time to do anything more interesting.

It's my hope that people other than just my church friends read my posts, thats why I bother explaining ages and stuff like that. Just so you know I want you to post comments, if this blog is just a place for me to blather like a fool to people who see me all the time then I'm really not doing them any favors.

Also got tagged to write the next chapter in the Paul the Critic saga which you can find rest of it at Tobi's blog (see links). Its coming slowly, I'm realizing that I don't have quite the knack for creative storytelling I thought I would, their's too many names to keep straight, oh well maybe I'll just kill them all off and start over with just paul.

Here are some pictures I stole from other people's blogs


Blogger Rachel said...

Hi, I'm from PA and a friend of the Humphrey's. I found your blog from Tobi's...and I just have a couple comments to make.

LOVED the Pride and Prejudice post. It made me laugh out loud. :)

I'm shocked that the Humphreys don't know how to swim!!! I don't ever remember a time when I couldn't swim, and they are such outdoor people, I figured for sure they knew how to. Strange.

Anyway, that's all I have to say.

June 22, 2008 at 6:48 PM  
Blogger Aimee said...

Um it's 25-10 actuelly. I can't wait to see what you do with paul the critic=)

June 22, 2008 at 9:27 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Rachel, when you come up you can help Aaron teach us to swim. :) this learning to swim as an adult seems super hard, or maybe it's just becuase Aaron makes it look really easy. :P
We are going to make him watch North & South next. :)

June 23, 2008 at 11:35 AM  

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