Things... that are hard, doing them.
People are like water, we flow, we boil over, we freeze up. All to often we find ourselves following the path of least resistance and that leads us to on place, a low spot. If we ever hope to combat our lazy nature we are going to have to do hard things. What happens to water that doesn't move? It stagnates, and nasty creatures start to grow in it.
I hate passing out tracts, but this week I'm going to give one out. Just one. After I do that and I know it doesn't hurt I might do another one but we'll see. Your mission, should you choose to accept, is to do the same. You can witness to a coworker or family or a stranger but what ever it is it hast to be hard, what ever the hardest thing is for you, you have until midnight on Saturday.
I've had about ten good opportunities today and blew them all (remember the part about water freezing?). It almost made me cry as I walked back up to my room with my one tract still in my pocket, but its only Monday.
We are not our own but bought with price.
"When I stand before the throne Dressed in beauty not my own; When I see Thee as Thou art, Love Thee with unsinning heart; Then, Lord, shall I fully know-- Not till then--how much I owe."
In totally not consequential news my WOD (workout of the day) today was killer.
Also under non consequential news
Book of the Week:
I read a book called "Half Moon Investigations." Its about a 12 year old boy with a knack for solving mysteries. Though this book was juvenile fiction it held no punches and had a realistic yet energetic feel to it. The plot moves quickly and is full of delightful quirkiness, one liners and hilarious social commentary. The Caracters were as deep and gritty as any in this Genre. If you're looking for a quick read, and a few laughs that won't bog you down Go with half moon. 8 mandibles out of 10.
Movie of the Week: "Notorious"
Notorious is a 1946 film directed by Alfred Hitchcock. An espionage thriller starring Cary Grant and Ingrid Bergman. These Old movies are hard to review for two reasons. Firstly you have to put on you 1940's glasses to really appreciate them and secondly the people who show you old movies are so emotionally attached to them that anything you say will generate offense. The lead actors were very classy, quite the team together. The story was a little cardboard but one could rack that up to it being realistic and made in the 40's. Modern movies get people to used to "pulse pounding edge of your seat action", which is silly. Every scene was memorable in some way or another:
Sometimes less subtlety:
Alicia: This fog gets me.
That's your hair in your eyes.
Sometimes more:
Alex has the key to that.
Devlin: Then, get it from him.
Alecia: Get it? How?
Devlin: Don't you live near him?
This style of movies is to a degree an acquired taste but it comes quick then you're hooked. Plus when you learn these old movies and other people go "Who?" or "What movie?" You get to act all elitist and look at them like an unwashed miscreant.
Also, Good news. I came out of my shell a bit on Sunday and actually played volley ball competitively. I laughed, I cried, I owned some face. And most of the time I still regretted it after I touched the ball. After the game we went swimming and I am proud to say that now the Humphreys can swim, all of them that want to anyway. By swim I mean float in a direction with out a life jacket which DEFINITELY counts BTW. After ward Suzie (Momma Bear), who has appointed me life guard at the beach asked me how I taught them, to which I cleverly replied "I got them wet and told them to keep trying." The Pastor laughed so my day was made right there. Personally I think we should move fifth Sunday's to first Sundays (and maybe third also).
First and foremost if you aren't saved, if you aren't trusting Jesus to pay your sin debt then you need to click the link to the right called: "Are you a good person? Take the test!" (Post questions to comments, I won't publish them)
Their are things in all of our lives that we know we should do but absolutely refuse to because their just too hard. For me thats making cold calls. I might rather get punched in the head that hold out a piece of paper and say "Did you get one of these?" Clearly Satan has a big black festering strong-hold somewhere in my heart. The fact is that my heart is Gods territory and if Satan is there its because I wanted him there, I allowed him a place. Ephesians 4:27 Neither give place to the devil.I hate passing out tracts, but this week I'm going to give one out. Just one. After I do that and I know it doesn't hurt I might do another one but we'll see. Your mission, should you choose to accept, is to do the same. You can witness to a coworker or family or a stranger but what ever it is it hast to be hard, what ever the hardest thing is for you, you have until midnight on Saturday.
I've had about ten good opportunities today and blew them all (remember the part about water freezing?). It almost made me cry as I walked back up to my room with my one tract still in my pocket, but its only Monday.
We are not our own but bought with price.
"When I stand before the throne Dressed in beauty not my own; When I see Thee as Thou art, Love Thee with unsinning heart; Then, Lord, shall I fully know-- Not till then--how much I owe."
In totally not consequential news my WOD (workout of the day) today was killer.
Complete as many rounds in twenty minutes as you can of:
65 Pound Thruster, 10 reps Link here, Kill the music
10 Jumping Pull-ups
Results: 10 rounds +4 thrusters June 30, 2008
Last time I did only 10 rounds that was may 1st. Not much progress but I haven't been home much last week or so.
Also under non consequential news
Book of the Week:
I read a book called "Half Moon Investigations." Its about a 12 year old boy with a knack for solving mysteries. Though this book was juvenile fiction it held no punches and had a realistic yet energetic feel to it. The plot moves quickly and is full of delightful quirkiness, one liners and hilarious social commentary. The Caracters were as deep and gritty as any in this Genre. If you're looking for a quick read, and a few laughs that won't bog you down Go with half moon. 8 mandibles out of 10.
Movie of the Week: "Notorious"
Notorious is a 1946 film directed by Alfred Hitchcock. An espionage thriller starring Cary Grant and Ingrid Bergman. These Old movies are hard to review for two reasons. Firstly you have to put on you 1940's glasses to really appreciate them and secondly the people who show you old movies are so emotionally attached to them that anything you say will generate offense. The lead actors were very classy, quite the team together. The story was a little cardboard but one could rack that up to it being realistic and made in the 40's. Modern movies get people to used to "pulse pounding edge of your seat action", which is silly. Every scene was memorable in some way or another:
Sometimes less subtlety:
Alicia: This fog gets me.
That's your hair in your eyes.
Sometimes more:
Alex has the key to that.
Devlin: Then, get it from him.
Alecia: Get it? How?
Devlin: Don't you live near him?
This style of movies is to a degree an acquired taste but it comes quick then you're hooked. Plus when you learn these old movies and other people go "Who?" or "What movie?" You get to act all elitist and look at them like an unwashed miscreant.
Also, Good news. I came out of my shell a bit on Sunday and actually played volley ball competitively. I laughed, I cried, I owned some face. And most of the time I still regretted it after I touched the ball. After the game we went swimming and I am proud to say that now the Humphreys can swim, all of them that want to anyway. By swim I mean float in a direction with out a life jacket which DEFINITELY counts BTW. After ward Suzie (Momma Bear), who has appointed me life guard at the beach asked me how I taught them, to which I cleverly replied "I got them wet and told them to keep trying." The Pastor laughed so my day was made right there. Personally I think we should move fifth Sunday's to first Sundays (and maybe third also).
I'm surprized you actually liked Nutorious, when we were watching i wasn't sure you were gonna make it through. I'm glad you see why we like them so much, though i think if you really want to fully devolope that annoying "aquiered taste" that is so hard to obtain, you might need to watch a few more.
It didn't help that the dvd quality was hard to overlook with that old forieghn dvd on Jord's HDTV.
Wow! that's quite an teach the Humphrey's to swim I mean=o)
That kind of witnessing scares me too. I like doing Bible studies, even when it's people I don't know, but there's just something about the way people look at you when you hand them a tract and try to talk to them about religion. It's silly because what's the worst that could happen, They could think you're weird (they probably already do:) They could tell you you're weird/stupid/etc. why are we scared of that??? Doesn't make sense. Anyways I prayed for you today. I loved Half-Moon too. Seems like kid's books today are always better then adult books. Are you going to do a review of Frontier Wolf? :)
BTW-Just so everyone know you're so lying about liking Notorious. You wanted to leave halfway through. :)
Wow, I actually thought this topic was going to get left uncommented on and just sit there like an elephant in the room.
So far I really like Frontier Wolf, Its all Roman and has scary howling wild men, Yes its getting reviewed.
As for Notorious, I wanted to leave 15 minutes before the end which I though was the half way point. Seeing as how old movies move differently than new ones (see acquired taste) I couldn't tell how much longer it was going to be. Also I've watched more long movies with you guys than not so you can't blame me.
Oh and Don't worry Kluane, I won't let it go to my head.
That's not quite what I meant Aaron...I meant I'm suprised they let someone even show them that it's possible that someone can actually teach them something=o)hehe=o)
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