Firing it back up
I'll admit that my exodus from the blogging world is one that I look back on from time to time with regret. Though I can't quantify why (or at least don't like any of the reasons I come up with) I've decided give it another go.
I can't kick the feeling that your first post is like a charter letter or a declaration of independence (or intent as the case is here). This blog IS unfortunately going to be about me, and my interests which though selfish is no more so that saying my closet is all about me. It is after all where I keep MY clothes, my blog will be where I keep my thoughts, (on the interweb).
I was at work today standing over a sewage filled trench and I was thinking how refreshing Tobi's blog is and how I find many blogs to be little more than diaries about how a persons day went. Diaries are boring, I don't know why people hide them and keep locks on them. The few times I found some ones diary as a kid WOW what a waste time that was. Though I don't really care whether anyone reads it or not I shutter at the thought of causing "more bore" on the internet.
Ok so specifics, firstly.... know what? forget the specifics. If i feel like talking about it its gonna get talked about.
Oh haha, this is rich, its gonna get talked about: Their are these two guys I work with they are both about 2-3 years older that me (one of them is the guy who guessed I was 17 about a week ago) any way we were digging up a bad sewer line to replace it today so we had to put road signs up to close the street. So these guys got to the job site early (I rode in later with the boss). While they were waiting they took electrical tape and spelled out "+ AARON" below the words MEN WORKING on the big orange sign.
Oh man it was pretty rich, unfortunately Joel (the boss man, also a friend of mine) wouldn't let them put it up on the road like that.
Later that day when I was the guy shoveling and the other two where watching (yeah we like to run things like a state job, by the book;) Jake says to Steve "you gonna make him do all the work?" and I looked up and said "Well I if i can't be a Man I may as well be 'WORKING'."
Ok one last thing, when you come to this blog remember that it was a choice on your part to do so... that means what ever weird thing i say don't forget YOU ASKED.
I can't kick the feeling that your first post is like a charter letter or a declaration of independence (or intent as the case is here). This blog IS unfortunately going to be about me, and my interests which though selfish is no more so that saying my closet is all about me. It is after all where I keep MY clothes, my blog will be where I keep my thoughts, (on the interweb).
I was at work today standing over a sewage filled trench and I was thinking how refreshing Tobi's blog is and how I find many blogs to be little more than diaries about how a persons day went. Diaries are boring, I don't know why people hide them and keep locks on them. The few times I found some ones diary as a kid WOW what a waste time that was. Though I don't really care whether anyone reads it or not I shutter at the thought of causing "more bore" on the internet.
Ok so specifics, firstly.... know what? forget the specifics. If i feel like talking about it its gonna get talked about.
Oh haha, this is rich, its gonna get talked about: Their are these two guys I work with they are both about 2-3 years older that me (one of them is the guy who guessed I was 17 about a week ago) any way we were digging up a bad sewer line to replace it today so we had to put road signs up to close the street. So these guys got to the job site early (I rode in later with the boss). While they were waiting they took electrical tape and spelled out "+ AARON" below the words MEN WORKING on the big orange sign.
Oh man it was pretty rich, unfortunately Joel (the boss man, also a friend of mine) wouldn't let them put it up on the road like that.
Later that day when I was the guy shoveling and the other two where watching (yeah we like to run things like a state job, by the book;) Jake says to Steve "you gonna make him do all the work?" and I looked up and said "Well I if i can't be a Man I may as well be 'WORKING'."
Ok one last thing, when you come to this blog remember that it was a choice on your part to do so... that means what ever weird thing i say don't forget YOU ASKED.
"Ok so specifics, firstly.... know what? forget the specifics. If i feel like talking about it its gonna get talked about."
Knowing your mind(or knowing of it at least), that statement is extreamly frightening.
Oh, and great, now i'm going to be up all night trying to figure out what text you deleted off the html code to get that stupid pyzam add of your blog.
All you have to do is click on the add, then do a search in the HTML code for the URL address for where exactly the link takes you. then just toy with deleting the surrounding text until it goes away. Honestly I'm proud of you for even knowing thats how I did it. I should have had more faith in you as well.
Too late, i just scanned through it until i recognized the text used in the add itself, and then toyed with the surrounding text.
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