Monday, July 28, 2008

Super Fun

Super fun, thats how I'd describe this last week/end, super fun. I had some (most) of this last week off thanks to my lame-o job. Admiral acbar told me it was a trap before I started the summer, I'm not sure if he meant working was or not working was the trap. Though this has been my least productive summer evar, I don't fell too bad about it as its the LAST summer evar. Any way the week/end. Yeah I did some hard things:

On Friday Doh and the Pastor and I went door knocking. It really wasn't too hard to do as Noah did most of the talking and I just followed him around and watched out for dogs. At on point this kid, who I think we woke up at about 11 let his three little rat dogs out. They were pretty fearsome and harried us like wounded caribou almost to the next house. One of their names was "Bogie" like "This is Red 6 We've got bogies at 7 o'clock, closing fast."

The real kicker came on saturday when the Pastor decited to go to Alaska Land to hand out tracks. We took Tobi with us this time. Before we left the dread of such an event was nigh overwhelming. Noah and Miss Suzie were talking about books and college and I was pacing a hole in the floor. After Caleb came in and said that the hospital was having a picnic there I called Noah outside. All I could see was a horde of future employers looking at me like we look at Mr. "Lisa is an Angel." Not my idea of a great time. During the drive Tobi was sitting next to me and after enduring my silence started talking at me. He must have been trying to distract me as he kept offering me his little metal puzzles and then gave me some gum, I think he also told me a story about a religious wacko, I'm not sure if that was supposed to be comforting or not. I kept thinking "Shut up Tobi! Can't you see I'm trying to panic over here?" After we got there Team college boys and split off from team Humphrey and after watching him "Did you get one of these" like one person, I flinched a little (wasn't sure if the universe was going to explode or not) and then got down to business. It really is just the thought of giving a track out that is so scary.

Most of the time people take them quickly, thank you and then wander where ever they were headed. Even the ones who freak out and tell you "no" it's like you're asking them to marry you, If they say no you don't loose a thing so it just rolls off your back instantly. Some lady told Noah to "get away from me" and we laughed about it. Its almost like giving out the wrong colored lolly pop to a bunch of kids, some take it and don't care, and some freak out and throw a little fit. Either way its no big deal.

On the way out of the park after the crowd died down a little Tobi came up to me and said "That was pretty terrible wasn't it?" I just kinda smiled at him. He's a good man to have in a tight spot.

(I'm listening to Hayley Westenra right now and I really like it)

Saturday night was, honestly, as good as it gets. Of roading out the window. Had the best picture of me EVAR taken. Also Brian said we could take his jeep out, its pretty much the ideal rig for doing that kinda thing. could hold 5-6, we can take the top off and stand up in it. It has a jack and a wench and big ol yicky mud tires. I think were gonna take it out Saturday night after the guys get back from our hike with Travis. (See Tobi's blog in my links)

Sunday was good. It was nice to know that what the pastor was talking about was doable from experience instead of just enduring that fearful wondering that goes bump in the night.

After church I got shanghaied into playing soccer with Travis. "You can't really say no to Travis if he wants to do anything because then you loose all your ammo against him" A wise voice told me.

The game was bitter sweet. It was fun to hang out with the guys and get all tired and sweaty but by the time the game was close to being over I was thoroughly done with all things -chasing a ball around like a dog.- I did, as usual, have little patience for Jock and his little prince attitude, but the fact that I was tired made it easier to hold back... no wait the other way. Also I slipped at one point and tried to do the splits. I could just hear every muscle in my groin shredding and popping off the bone. That scared me so bad it made me angry enough to need to stop playing for a bit (Jock made sure to take a jab at me taking too many breaks.) What a considerate guy ;)

The experience was very revealing and allowed me to take a look at myself objectively and in a circumstance I've done my very best to avoid. As if their was any doubt to the depravity of the flesh I have all the more reason to glorify the God who saved a wretch like me when I deserved hell. The road of sanctification is a long one.

Heb 12:1 Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us,


Blogger TwiceBorn said...

The only reason i offered you one of my puzzles is because you looked bored, no wonder you were fumbleing with it so clumsily; you couldn't consentrate. And i was only talking about Rob Bell because Dad said something that reminded me of him.

July 28, 2008 at 11:26 PM  
Blogger TwiceBorn said...

I miss the mushrooms. This doesn't feel like a comfertable, homey, welcomeing, house cave anymore. It just feels confusing...

July 29, 2008 at 11:04 PM  
Blogger Aaroneous said...

Sorry about the mushrooms little buddy...

But my blog is so widely read and popular now that I had to change locations, move into the big city.

I was running out of toad stools when my followers would show up in the after noon for tea and scrumpets.

(scrumpets... lawl)

July 30, 2008 at 12:19 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Everthing is a trap with you lately. Did you get Haley from Tobi?? I didn't think he liked her. Me and Jo love her. I'm glad you "did hard things" last week. Your new blog look is a little confusing to me too. I liked the rocks but not the mushrooms, they made me feel cold and slimey. I'm rambling, does that mean you're going to delete my comment??

July 30, 2008 at 10:26 AM  

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