Sunday, March 29, 2009

Pillow lava

Somthing wicked this way comes

Friday, March 27, 2009


0257 hrs: early morning of the 27th

You know that euphoric feeling you get after you finally throw up after feeling terrible for hours... that would be me. I'm actualy glad, i always feel so much better afterwards. It was so brutal, I was dreaming about work and being asked to do stupid useless things over and over again (I call 'em fever dreams) finally I woke up, went to the bathroom and on the way out (I'd been packing a bucket with me for some time by now, sleeping by it and such) I Doubled over hurling... again and again. The first one curled my leg up involuntarily, and... yeah very unpleasant. No mess though which is a plus. So I'm not sure if this is a throw up every hour for the next 24 or a throw up once and feel totally recovered in 24. If I had to judge right now I'm thinking the later.

Up dates to follow!!
(kidding, that's gross...)

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

down into the rabbit hole again we go.

Wow, so this whole working thing is super interesting. I mean its affect on me is interesting. I've been striving toward this end for all my life really, why did I learn to read in 1st grade? So I can be a productive member of society, and like 20 years later here I am doing it. In a sense Its kind of a let down, I feel a bit like "Ok I did that thing were all supposed to grow up and do, so what next?"

I can definitely understand why some people become workaholics. At work I'm like a somebody with tasks and responsibility and authority, ya know? people come to ME and ask MY opinion about MY patients. I guess now I have this thing in my pocket, or maybe around my neck, called "nursing judgment" that I whip out and make freelance decisions with. It's all wild west style, I have some If-->Then guidelines but I'm not dominated buy them, and most of them are like "If your N.J. says to then go ahead, otherwise... don't" Also I'm making a pretty stupid amount of money, I think its a total scam, but I'm an "if there's room for my thumb in the pie why not" kinda guy. I can also understand how one would get very distracted from serving God like one should with their job. But work is very satisfying, like a good CrossFit work out, you feel like you really got something done and don't have to feel all convicted about what a lazy slob you are. Then there's all that "i have money so I don't have to feel terrible about buying something" deal, thats good fun too.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

nice night

One Tough Pup

Here's a video that should illustrate tenacity. This is a tough dog who NEVER quits



Sunday, March 15, 2009

pt 7

maybe this will get you higher video quality

Friday, March 13, 2009

pt 6

pt 5

pt 4

pt 3

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Pt two

Hope you're enjoying it

Touching the Void pt one

This is a must watch for everyone who loves adventure stories. This takes a lot of work to crop together so please watch!

I managed to get this movie to work in a form worth watching (ie. no cussing). I think this is probably one of my favorite movies of all time.

I'm gonna be putting about 10 minutes of it on my blog at a time so you can enjoy it at your own pace. It gets kinda scary in parts but has a happy ending.

I messed up the editing a bit so there's a short scene at the end that's out of order...

Friday, March 6, 2009

Killer whale dog

This snow in the yard has been largely undisturbed this winter, Jane went charging out into it earlier for no reason and it was so funny watching her try to muscle through it that I thought I'd share it, even better is watching poor pregnant beagle dog get frustrated at how Jane can do what she can not.

This is kinda what Jane reminded me of ungulating though the snow.

-be advised this video is pretty brutal-