Monday, February 23, 2009

All alone

Well the bulk of the Humphreys left us early this morning. It's only myself Jordan and Tobias remaining to keep the good ship afloat. There also seems to be a bit of a rat problem on the ship, fat tri-colored rats with pig-tails who like to watch you eat.

It was pretty depressing to come home and find the house all quiet, especially depressing when I found it with out the familiar aromas of -The 'Miss Suzie's' Home Cookin' Cafe-

Having found myself with the barest of essentials for the evening (steak chimies and crunchy delicious broccoli) I decided to invest in the only real luxury a man truly needs... coffee.

Jordan and I spent most of the day finishing up the Band of Brothers series and skating. It's pretty frustrating not to be able to as well as other people (like when you're there with just Jordan) never the less skating backwards has started to come together a bit. Also there were a few moose laying down behind the house when we got back. I wanted to sick Molly on them but Jordan was worried they would charge her and she couldn't run away in the deep snow.

I get to go into the hospital for a quick drug test tomorrow. Afterwards I'm gonna head out on farmers loop and check out a cabin that a girl in my class built and is selling. I know I'm not in any position to be buying but I might get some better idea for the place I want to live. Maybe she'd let me rent in until I could get a loan to buy the thing. I like the idea of a cabin I just don't want to have to haul water.


Blogger neverletmeforget said...

hey don't be sicking molly on a'd better be nice to dads little molly! ;o)
I'm jealous you're learning how to skate backwards...i've been skating for a long time and I can't even do that...
Caleb got to be a cowboy today.....Uncle Jim has some horses he saddled up for us to ride...It was so fun!! I think we might be a little sore tomorrow though cuz a saddle isn't the most comfortable thing to sit on =o) It's SO pretty down here you would like it...there are lot's of hills and the view from his porch is awsome!....he also has cows that have been having little calfs..they're so cute!.... anyways im happy to hear my brothers aren't starvin..yet =o)

February 24, 2009 at 2:14 PM  

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