Thursday, January 1, 2009

Not Impressed...

So as all of my readers know, cause you were there, we watched some LOtR yesterday. As a whole I think it is the best adventure story ever created by humanity. It is with out a doubt the story by which all other are judged and upon which all others are based, and yet is still unique detailed and intricate... quintessential.

The things I don't like about it or am not impressed with are few but nagging. Ok, elves... elves elves elves... I have to admit that this viewing was the first time that I really got the scene in the elf city. I was able to appreciate it this time and it really was cool and surreal.

Here's what I'm -not impressed- with. Legolas's specticles of awsomeness are not impressive for the reason that it doesn't take any more effort for a writer to say "the pudgy dwarf couldn't jump high enough to see over the rampart" than it does for him to say "the perfect elegant elf grabed the horse reigns and flung himself 30 feet in the air and landed gracefully on his back." see? I could write a story about a guy who can swim the atlantic in ten mintues. Its just not that impressive cause its not real and it doesn't require any writing prowess to come up with it.

What is hard, what really proves an author, is to make a guy like Aragorn believable and compelling.  To make you want to know what happens to him, to get to the point that you feel like you have to keep reading to ensure the survival and victory of the character.  Is it hard to write that the elf boy could walk along the surface of the snow while the others had to trudge through it?  NO! 

In modern works sometimes authors will make a character over the top just to be annoying, I know elves are supposed to all super magical but the way it is expressed is just silly.  Its just too easy to like them... so I don't...  

I also don't like how the dwarf is just comic relief, there's the drinking scene and the dwarf is all passed out talking about little hairy women and the elf is just starting to get a tingle...  ugh.  He's so boring!  Where are his flaws?!  Where is his character development?  The only redeeming thing he does is make friends with Gimli.

Its almost like hanging out with Noah "Oh shocker, Doh won again was I on his team?  nope forgot to join the winning team before hand." 

What would have made it cool is if the dwarf had made fun of him the whole time, like when he calls him a "pointy eared elf princeling"

Is the elf cool?  Yes, but thats the problem.
Am I just jealous? You knew that the minute you figured out I was talking about elflings.

Either way, I'm not impressed.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Read the book before you bash it.

January 1, 2009 at 11:17 AM  
Blogger Samuel Hammett said...

I wasn't there, and I obviously read your blog, just saying.

January 1, 2009 at 11:28 AM  

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