Saturday, August 30, 2008
A little somthing to do
Living with Brian and Dave is really nice also. I've got the best seat in the house up on the second floor where my computer is. I can see everything thats going on, i can see out the big window on the second story and if I sit back and put Brian's old f-16 proof "ear defenders" on, I may as well be alone its so quiet. I can't credit anyone but God for providing me with such a choice existence.
Question time!
I want you to think about what in your life is driving you. What makes you get out of bed? What are you living for? What is your goal? Is anything driving you or are you just coasting till bed time? I think most of us can come up with the sunday school answer but I want you to really think about it. And I don't want to know the answer.
Friday, August 29, 2008
Saturday, August 23, 2008
Dog picts and the wedding
Aimee wanted pictures of the -best dog ever- how could I do anything but oblige?
In other news Jordan's wedding went of today, successfully. It was actually a lot of fun, he got treated a lot more esteem and honor (and as the best man so did I) than we ever treat people with at our weddings at the church. "yeah we're happy for you, please don't make to big a mess."
Shadow play.

This is Elliot and his garden, and his little vegetable tester...

This is our fish tester, "Certified Silver" she says.
-Lick tested and snout stamped-

Here is a video of my brown dog having way too much fun (guess who taught her to swim).
Sorry, no audio.
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Random picture fun and Day 5? whatev...
He's a nice guy. maybe after we get older we'll be closer. this picture is an older one he's much more handsome now. next is an exceptional sun set, but that view is a 5 min walk from my moms house, the one below. Its out in the sticks a but. Beautiful spot.
I did some fishing there today with my sisters kids. its was fun ashley fell on a barnicle an flayed her hand open though, then we had to hike back up the hill to get back to the truck. It was about like the muddy shoot near the water fall in ninilchik except more tree's and less mud.
The last picure is one from Julias wedding I found, its me and Jordan. I actualy don't hate this picture of me, kinda makes you wonder what I had on my mind at the time. Jordan has nice hair... to much but its pretty.

Sunday, August 17, 2008
I has all the monies now!
Detail Code | Description | Charge | Payment | Balance |
AGT | UAA Technology Fee | $60.00 |
| |
ANC | Network Charge | $39.00 |
| |
ANUR | Nursing Material/Lab | $144.00 |
| |
AR3L | CHSW Res Tuition Lower Level | $1,742.00 |
| |
FSAC | Cutler Apartment Rent | $181.00 |
| |
APEL | Pell Grant |
| $2,366.00 | |
Net Term Balance | -$200.00 | |||
Net Balance for Other Terms: | $0.00 | |||
Account Balance: | -$200.00 | |||
Current Amount Due: | $0.00 |
See where it says Pell Grant 2,366.00. thats the best part, I love this movie, i brings a tear to my eye every time.
Baby Aaron, fat Aaron and day 1.5

So, the bike ride last night was really fun. It was pitch black and raining so we rode by head lamp which made things all the more interesting. I wiped out twice once cause I couldn't get my feet out of the stirrups quick enough and once because I was trying to avoid a rock in the trail so I hit a rock just off the trail and went over the handle bars. wrecking a bike is really fun... sorry though no broken bones. I woke up this morning and the eight miles of trail riding had left my lower back and hammys begging to cramp on me. but as soon as I got up they were better. I played some wii boxing with my sister last night. normaly she beats every one she plays but I stomped her and then she beat me. I think were going to have a grudge match before I leave. (this sister is Maya, the youngest one who has the monster pony)
I also engaged my second youngest sister bahiyyih, she went to donnely dome with us, in a religeous debate. Its depressing how they wont hear simple truths and how they lust to add their own works to salvation. She kept trying to play some scenario out to me that would prove that you needed works to be saved, but i couldn't understand it after three attempts. I just kept telling her about sin righteousness and judgment to come. we did the good person question and she smothered her conscience with Gods "mercy" (his failure to judge sin) the bahi's have created an idol. I replied with the appropriate example of the earthly judge but to no avail. I shutter to think of the mess I'm going to be when/if my family member die with out the blood, my eyes wet just thinking about it. I covet your prayers while I'm here.
Wedding plans are going well. I don't think its going to be the standard super stressful over done wedding. I am, as the best man, going to have to offer a toast at the reception. ARG... thats going to be like telling people to drink alcohol I would love to offer my blessing on the marriage as its needed to happen for some time but how can I in good conscience do something that will cause people to sin. should I even be there? at least the ceremony won't be happening in a catholic church. its in an outdoor pavillion at the university and his favorite high school teacher and family friend will be doing the ceremony. the colors are teal and eggplant, should be ok I get to keep my teal shirt and clip on tie... clip on ties are so silly.
My family so far like my music, groban, il divo, buble.
I'm going to try to get some pictures of my house and family but getting a camera together is a hassle.
Saturday, August 16, 2008
J-town Day one
I started off the day forgetting my cell phone (so don't try to text me thobius). After that hickup I got out with out much problem. The flight felt really quick, as I got off the plane in Anc I didn't even have time to think "wow I feel like I was here recently" the futility of yesterdays driving didn't even have time to register as my Juneau flight was on its final boarding call after a quick bathroom stop. I got in about 10:30. It was all socked in and rainy as it always is when i get home. kinda depressing but thats Juneau.
I hung out with my Daddy and Brown Doggie. He's getting pretty thin up top these days and she's looking more like a chubby short legged grizzly bear than a lab, quite the polar opposite of the leggy moose dog the Humphreys have.
I showed him my iPod which he said I should give him. I ate lunch there and read an architecture book called "the not so big house" It had an interesting thesis. The idea is that most big houses with huge rooms are meant to impress and entertain but not to live in. Who wants to hang out in a big open room with super clean couches. The authors, a husband/wife team or architects did some research and totaled up how much time people spend and in what room. doesn't it makes sense to make the biggest room where people spend the most time, with family or socially. The fact is that the beating heart of a house, where all the action happens is the kitchen. If you entertain guests, the people want to be with you in the kitchen. not stuffed into a "socialization room" where the woman of the house enters with the food having removed her apron and wiped the sweat off her brow as she left the kitchen.
It also talked about putting the kitchen in a central location and using alcoves and window seats to create small more private comfortable areas. I had a section on how the room is an artificial construct and a lot of times walls between "living/family/den" rooms just make it so no one wants to go there. then there was the section on the quiet place. It suggested decorating this area differently that the rest of your house just to add some contrast. The only problem I see is that the houses are all really pretty and delicate. If I'm gonna be the big daddy and have a mighty horde (and beautiful daughters) I'm gonna need to make the thing a little more bomb proof. Anyway yeah, i'm looking forward to building a house with a family in mind. whether I have one or not after school is OVER!
If i sound a little distracted... I am. Jordan and I are going to bike the Herbert glacier trail tonight after I finish my coffee. Its the trail that took us all day to hike last time we did it. thats the story with the post holing and walking on the aged lightly frozen cross country ski trail that was only six inches wide. any way... yeah we're gonna scream up and down the thing on mountain bikes like a couple of wild banchee's with head lamps and a 40 cal.
Captain Aaroneous of the pirate ship Mandible... signing out.
Friday, August 15, 2008
Northern Blitz
After I got back home at about 2:30 I crawled into bed, a bed made with Egyptian cotton. I don't know if you know any thing about thread count but the higher the better. no... "better" doesn't do it justice, the more magical, anyway Egyptian cotton is the highest. After four nights of sleeping bags and cots I slept so hard that I wasn't sure I'd ever wake up, and when I did I had no idea where I was or what time it was.
Cool, while I was writing this post a huge thunder storm just rolled through. Rain was falling off the roof like a water fall. what was really cool is that the yard is full of puffer ball mushrooms and every time a rain drop pelts them they shoot up their spores like a thousand tiny volcanos. The trees are flashing brightly, reflecting the lightning, which is very close and very loud... my seat is shaking when it snaps. :) Thunder storms are also magical.
Ok time for laundry and packing.
Next post will be from Juneau, expect frequent posts with lots of pictures.
Thursday, August 7, 2008
"I am married unto you." --Jeremiah 3:14
Christ Jesus is joined unto His people in marriage-union. In love He espoused His Church as a chaste virgin, long before she fell under the yoke of bondage. Full of burning affection He toiled, like Jacob for Rachel, until the whole of her purchase-money had been paid, and now, having sought her by His Spirit, and brought her to know and love Him, He awaits the glorious hour when their mutual bliss shall be consummated at the marriage-supper of the Lamb. Not yet hath the glorious Bridegroom presented His betrothed, perfected and complete, before the Majesty of heaven; not yet hath she actually entered upon the enjoyment of her dignities as His wife and queen: she is as yet a wanderer in a world of woe, a dweller in the tents of Kedar; but she is even now the bride, the spouse of Jesus, dear to His heart, precious in His sight, written on His hands, and united with His person. On earth He exercises towards her all the affectionate offices of Husband. He makes rich provision for her wants, pays all her debts, allows her to assume His name, and to share in all His wealth. Nor will He ever act otherwise to her. The word divorce He will never mention, for "He hateth putting away." Death must sever the conjugal tie between the most loving mortals, but it cannot divide the links of this immortal marriage. In heaven they marry not, but are as the angels of God; yet there is this one marvelous exception to the rule, for in Heaven Christ and His Church shall celebrate their joyous nuptials. This affinity as it is more lasting, so is it more near than earthly wedlock. Let the love of husband be never so pure and fervent, it is but a faint picture of the flame which burns in the heart of Jesus. Passing all human union is that mystical cleaving unto the Church, for which Christ left His Father, and became one flesh with her.
Its not a house, Its a home.
Ever since I decided North Pole was going to be my home, really that Plack Road Baptists was my home, I've wished I could live out here. I feel like pinocchio on his quest to become a 'real boy' and that today a big victory has been won in that quest.
Look up the song 'Un Giorno Per Noi' by Josh Groban on youtube. After you listen to it you might understand how I feel about being free from the campus. Its was with a restful sigh that I entered the log house in the woods, its sweeter this time because its not a log house its a log home. Maybe I'm just being sentimental, I've been called worse.
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
Mind Games
Monday, August 4, 2008
Yeah Boots!
Normaly when ever people go on a hike the MO is to wear the biggest heaviest leather lug bottomed lace up to your armpits BOOTS. Being the rebel at heart I am I decited to challage the normal way of thinking and wear the lightest pair of trail running shoes I owned. Their's next to no ankle support they're very well ventilated and light as a feather compared to the usual clod hoppers people wear.
My light footed smirk lasted about 50 yards down the trail when it occured to me we were hiking through what resembled middle earths dead marches. Wet feet, I figured, were just part of the deal. I knew this was going to happen but I had hoped it would be from rain and not some useless puddle. Tobias was following me as the trips prom date (Caleb... takes FOREVER to get his stuff packed up... like a prom date... ok nevermind) was primping his pack, and Travis's to perfection. Any way we took a wrong turn at the sign that read:
<-this way to swampy stupid death.... this way to a hill and dry trails ->
There was a trail and we followed it faithfully even though it tried to throw us a few times. Eventualy it got so bad we stoped to wait up for the party when we heard them yelling from up on the hill. Wow... that was fun. We could tell where every one was even though we couldn't see them but we had about a half hour of bush whacking to make it to the trail. When we came out ahead of them Tobi started cracking "short cut" jokes. Tough as nails that one, the detour hadn't thrown his spirits at all.